Presentation of the Giorgio Scerbanenco Award finalists and Readers' Choice Award 2023
followed by
Awards Ceremony

During a protest march by feminist activists, a teacher is attacked and her body is found in the warehouse at the old tuna fishery. Suspicions soon fall on a young man from an uppercrust family, but the prosecutors are taking their time. Clara Simon, an attractive and stubborn reporter at L’Unione, is not going to sit around doing nothing. She takes to the streets of early 20th-century Cagliari, where the nobility of yore is hanging on and a rising middle class is eager to take over, and discovers just how ferociously the world has always tried to silence women.
Francesco Abate made his literary debut with Mister Dabolina (1998), followed by Il cattivo cronista (2003); Ultima di campionato, based on a film treatment and winner of the Solinas Award (2004); Getsemani (2006), and I ragazzi di città (2007). Einaudi brought out his novels Mi fido di te (2007), co-written with Massimo Carlotto; Cosí si dice (2008), Chiedo scusa (co-written with Saverio Mastrofranco, 2010), Un posto anche per me (2013), Mia madre e altre catastrofi (2016), Torpedone trapiantati (2018), I delitti della salina (2020), and Il complotto dei Calafati (2022).