by Kleber Mendonça Filho, Juliano Dornelles
Brazil, France, 2019, 130’, color, DCP

Kleber Mendonça Filho
Juliano Dornelles
Pedro Sotero
Eduardo Serrano
Mateus Alves
Tomaz Alves Souza
Nicolas Hallet 
production design
Thales Junqueira 
Rita Azevedo

Sonia Braga [Domingas]
Udo Kier [Michael]
Bárbara Colen [Teresa]
Thomas Aquino [Pacote/Acacio]
Silvero Pereira [Lunga]
Thardelly Lima [Tony Jr.]
Rubens Santos [Erivaldo]
Wilson Rabelo [Plinio]
Carlos Francisco [Damiano]
Luciana Souza [Isa]
Karine Teles [Foreigner]
Antonio Saboia [Foreigner]

Emilie Lesclaux 
Cinemascópio Produções 
Saïd Ben Saïd
Michel Merkt
SBS Productions 

world sales
SBS International

A few years from now... Bacurau, a small village in the Brazilian sertão, mourns the loss of its matriarch, Carmelita, who lived to be 94. Days later, its inhabitants notice that their community has vanished from most maps. 

"We were at the 2009 Brasilia Film Festival for the première of Recife Frio (Cold Tropics, a short film) when we first had the idea of a film taking place in a remote little one street village, with wonderful, non-urban characters. These people and these characters would mostly represent ourselves through a composite of local and regional history (which we admire through books, the spoken word, poetry, stories we just know or grew up with), but remixed through the lens of adventure and genre." [Kleber Mendonça Filho]

"Bacurau grew out of our observations, annoyance and desire to surprise people by showing this poor, remote part of the world getting revenge on people who consider them 'simple,' 'funny' or 'fragile' when they are just as complex and interesting as everybody else. Co-directing came quite naturally. We have always had shared affinities. And it’s never anything less than fun and stimulating to be with Kleber." [Juliano Dornelles]

After graduating college, Kleber Mendonça Filho (Recife, 1968) worked as a journalist on Jornal do Commercio, while also writing for Folha de S. Paulo and other publications. In the 1990s, he made several documentaries and experimental shorts, produced through his own company, CinemaScópio. In 2012, Kleber made his debut feature, Neighboring Sounds, in Recife. In 2016, Aquarius his second feature film is selected in Competition at the Cannes Film Festival. It wins Best Foreign Film from the French Syndicate of Cinema Critics and is nominated in the Best Foreign Film category at the Cesar. 

Juliano Dornelles (Recife, 1980) is a founding member of the creation group Símio Filmes. Working as a production designer since more than 16 years, his partnership with Kleber Mendonça Filho started on the set of the short film Eletrodoméstica (2005). He was also the production designer of Neighboring Sounds and Aquarius. As a director and writer he directed short films and video clips. His first feature film Ateliê da rua do brum is currently in post production. 

Kleber Mendonça Filho
2019 Bacurau
2015 Aquarius
2012 O Som ao Redor [Neighboring Sounds]
2009 Recife Frio [Cold Tropics, short]
2008 Crítico [doc]
2006 Noite de sexta manhã de sábado
[Friday Night Saturday Morning, short]
2005 Eletrodoméstica [short]
2004 Vinil Verde [Green Vinyl, short]
2003 A menina do algodão [short]
1997 Enjaulado [short]

Juliano Dornelles 
2019 Bacurau
2011 Mens sana in corpore sano [short]
2005 Biodiversidade [cm]

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10/12/2019 h 19:30IULM 6 • Auditorium

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