1974 and 1986: Italy’s bloody "Years of Lead" followed by the carefree escapism of the ‘80s, as seen through the education of a young Inspector Balistreri, protagonist of the hit "Trilogy of Evil". Political unrest, blood, alcohol, tabacco, women, and cynicism are the ingredients that go into this new novel that delves deeper into Costantini’s controversial detective. "I needed to show Michele Balistreri in the most turbulent times of his life, which coincided with the most turbulent age in recent Italian history: the Years of Lead. I wanted to write a thriller in which emotions were even more violent than actions. Love, hate, anger, passion: a blend that leaves the victims their share of guilt, and the killers a share of innocence." [Roberto Costantini]

Roberto Costantini (Tripoli, 1952) doubles and triples as an engineer, corporate consultant, and now director of the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. After The Deliverance of Evil (Best Debut Novel at the Scerbanenco Prize, Azzeccagarbugli Prize for Best Crime Novel, Camaiore Prize for Mystery Fiction) and The Root of All Evil, he published The Memory of Evil, the third installment in his "Trilogy of Evil". A bestseller in Italy that has already come out in the United States and major European countries, it won the 2014 Giorgio Scerbanenco Special Prize as Best Noir novel of the 2000s. His La moglie perfetta was shortlisted for the Bancarella Prize in 2016. Ballando nel buio marks the return of the protagonist of the "Trilogy of Evil", Inspector Michele Balistreri.


09/12/2017 h 17:30Sala Bianca
presented by Annarita Briganti